Thursday, October 30, 2008

Visitors from Denver

My mom, Sheila, and stepfather, Blake, are visiting for a few weeks. Sheila's cousin Lisa gave them two "buddy passes" from Delta, where Lisa worked for a very long time (Thanks, Lisa!), and helped them find flights in business class to Tokyo.

This is the second visit for Sheila and Blake together and the third for Sheila overall - we and the children greatly appreciate their presence. They've done some sightseeing and went to Kyoto for 3 days and 2 nights, returning this evening.

Now the kids want their attention for Halloween tomorrow, Lucinda's Brownie investiture, and various events over the weekend and next week. Meanwhile, I'm editing for Kateigaho International and doing other work, and volunteering for Nishimachi's upcoming book fair and spring auction. Lots going on these days.

We are also all waiting impatiently for next Tuesday's election to be over and done with.

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