Monday, May 11, 2009

Lucinda's art

Lucinda loves making art and she's always very confident and comfortable about trying out new styles and media, and Nishimachi has a terrific art program - it was one of the main reasons why, 2 years ago, we decided it was the best school for her.

And today Lucinda brought home a packet of work from school and laid it out on the dining room table like a gallery show. She and Arno laid out the rules for Blaine and me: no eating and drinking in the gallery and no touching the art! Photographs were, however, allowed.

For comparison, here's a self-portrait that Lucinda made 2 years ago, in pre-kindergarten at the Parkside School in Seattle.

Here are the self-portraits she brought home today.

Here's a paint-print made from a layered-cardboard self-portrait - sort of like a Japanese woodblock print.

And, yes, here's yet another self-portrait on a canvas-like board, which was her final project after the 1st grade's art unit, when they studied cave art, the Renaissance, Impressionism and modern art. She gave this painting a title, "Night with Sun."

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