Thursday, November 15, 2007

Arno's 3rd birthday

Arno turned 3 today - although if we could measure a kid's age by sheer talkativeness, Arno would be at least 10.

He is still a pretty relaxed kid, mostly cheerful, very charming and loves to perform for an audience. Of course he throws tantrums, but he doesn't hold grudges. Six months ago, he was into pirates; now it's Superman and Spiderman. This week, riding in his stroller, he's been sticking out his foot because he says, "that's how Superman flies."

I decided to skip any serious birthday party because, after all, he is 3 and doesn't mind as long as we toss him a few presents. Besides, my mother, Sheila, and my stepfather, Blake, arrived in Tokyo yesterday for a two-week visit - and that is enough of a party for us.

So tonight I made my first birthday cake here - admittedly from a mix, with directions in Japanese, in an oven that overbakes everything. Adventures in baking!

Here's the package.

It came with this funny cardboard baking pan.

Try to figure out the directions yourself. How many eggs? How much milk? (click foto to enlarge)

Final result - much less elegant than the picture on the box, even if I did sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Birthday boy blows out candles...

...and shows off his fave present: a water gun from his sister.

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