Friday, June 27, 2008

Trailing spouse: Condi Rice edition

Blaine is in Kyoto covering Condi Rice's trip to Japan and (tomorrow) to South Korea in advance of the Group of Eight summit here in early July.

His first story, about the removal of N Korea from the US list of terror-supporting nations, is in the front page on Friday's Washington Post. He'll travel to Seoul with the Secretary of State tomorrow for 24 hours. Blaine does not love covering these sorts of big news events as much as I do, but I keep telling him it's pretty cool nonetheless.

If he gets a private audience w/the SecState, I want him to ask Rice about Barack Obama. Maybe he could get her to say something interesting? She is so controlled (though well-spoken) in her pronouncements, but maybe he could drag some US political news out of the event.

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