Wednesday, October 31, 2007


For Halloween in Tokyo, we took a slow, candy-collecting walk through the expat Moto-Azabu neighborhood near Lucinda's school.

In Seattle, people flock to Capitol Hill to trick or treat. In Tokyo, they take taxis to Moto-Azabu.

Around 6pm, we strolled to the Moto-Azabu Place apartment complex, which some jokingly call "Melrose Place." Residents sit at the edge of the cobblestone driveway with bowls of candy.

Many Japanese children wear super-creative or Disney costumes. This girl was a frosted cupcake.

Buzz Lightyear is a cartoon fixture here:

We stopped at houses and apartments near Nishimachi, where the candy lines were long and crowded.

On the walk home, we found a Halloween party in a church called St. Mary. The pews in the chapel were skewed into a zig-zaggy maze to guide children to the altar, where they received a lovely package of candy. (No photos allowed of the chapel, alas.)

A church-sanctioned Halloween? Take that, Pat Robertson!

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