Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy anniversary

Today is Blaine's and my 7th anniversary, and I bought a box of fancy cookies at a fancy chocolate store here so we could celebrate after dinner. (Blaine and I went to our favorite French restaurant last Saturday.) The store is "Le Chocolat de H" in Roppongi Hills. Arno, who was home sick today, wanted me to buy chocolates, but they cost 8,000 yen ($80) for a tiny box of 8 or 10 candies!

So here is our 1,500 yen box of cookies. Very fancy and, as is typical for a Japanese gift, it's elaborately and expensively wrapped (which is something of a contradiction in a country that's obsessed with reducing the amount of trash it produces).

Small glossy shopping bag:

A round silver box, wrapped in cellophane and tied with a ribbon.

Individually-wrapped treats: chocolate meringue, a walnut brownie, a chocolate madeleine, a chocolate-nut cookie, and maybe something the children grabbed that I didn't even see.

They were super-yummy. Maybe next time I'll spring for some chocolates, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary! Not to take away from your event but to put the focus on a couple of products of said union - I cannot believe how much older Lu looks in these photos! If Elise's wish of going to see her in Tokyo doesn't come to fruition, we look forward to your next visit stateside.

I'm a blog lurker and infrequent poster - you do have fans out there in the interwebs...
