Friday, November 14, 2008

What's Going On

(With a nod to Newsday's former editor, Tony Marro, who always headlined his staff memos this way.)

Let's see, lots going on:

- Tomorrow, Nov 15, is Arno's 4th birthday. I think Lucinda will make pancakes for us all, because that's a 1st grade homework assignment as part of the food/health unit.

- On Sunday, seven four and five yr olds will come to our house for Arno's "superhero" birthday party. He chose the theme, and it's generic enough that I can serve Spiderman pasta and Superhero hotdogs and play a Buzz Lightyear game and no one will care. Every kid will decorate a superhero mask and shield and I'm making capes for them to wear (Hopefully my attempt to make eveything will work out all right.)

- I've worked long hours at my magazine, Kateigaho International Edition, this week and Blaine has collected the kids from school and made dinners. Nice role reversal!

- Next week, the kids have 3 days of school and 3 days of vacation wrapped around parent-teacher conferences and next weekend. I'm working on the Nishimachi book fair on Wednesday and getting mildly involved in Nishimachi's spring auction.

- Arno has been very moody recently, mostly depending on his willingness to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. On Monday and Tuesday, after he'd slept badly, he was a total pain. But Wed-Fri, we got him into bed early and threatened him w/toy-loss if he didn't stay there, so he a much happier and more enjoyable creature.

- Lucinda has been very confident lately. We've hired a Japanese tutor for a weekly lesson, which Lu enjoys. She is very proud that she knows all 46 of the hiragana and she is working on reading simple hiragana books. She's also become more interested and confident in addition and subtraction because her teacher focuses on math first thing in the morning. Her other focus in life is the game of Tag, which I think she plays at each of 3 daily recesses. I will write more about Tag at some point.

That's the overall update. We're doing well at the moment.

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