Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Japanese lessons?

A friend asked if/when I'll take Japanese lessons. Answer: Once the kids are reliably in school for full days and once I've gotten a handle on household stuff. Which is to say, in the next month or so.

Blaine took several weeks of lessons in Seattle, but I bailed out after one week because studying soaked up too much time before the move. So for now, I can say exactly three things:

"Ohayo gozaimashita." This is "good morning," said politely... But I just realized, as I checked the spelling, that it is not a generic "hello" - and I've been using it all day! Embarrassing. Must switch to "konnichiwa."

"Arigato gozaimashita" This is "thank you", said politely, but sometimes I screw up and say "ohayo."

And "sumimasen", which is "I'm sorry" or "excuse me" and which I use constantly, like when the stroller bumps into someone's foot.

I can also say "My name is Jessica" ("Watashi no namae wa Jessica desu"), but I don't know any Japanese people to introduce myself to! Maybe someday that will come in handy.

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